The Structural Core Fill process is a repair method intending to correct failing foundation walls. Often, failures are due to hydrostatic pressure exerted by the force of gravity combined with a foundation wall’s lack of proper structural reinforcement. Our Structural Core Fill process begins by core-drilling 2-Inch holes, then pumping grout designed to withstand 4,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, thus filling empty block cells and leaving no voids. This same type of concrete is used to construct interstate bridges and overpasses, and is strong enough to permanently stabilize any foundation wall.
Features and Benefits
- Value – By correcting the foundation wall’s cracking, bowing, leaning or other failures with our Structural-Core-Fill process, you can maintain, or in many cases, increase the value of your home or office.
- Maintenance – Once the damaged foundation walls have been corrected, ongoing maintenance is reduced, or even eliminated, without the need to remove or replace the existing damaged foundation wall.
- Structural – You will enjoy a peace of mind knowing the structural integrity of the foundation wall, and subsequently, your home or office, has been returned.